Friday, September 14, 2012

Noah's Ark and Nephilim

Nephilim placed 16 anchor stones around Noah's Ark, each weighing over several TONS per stone, and holes in the stones for tying rope around. The purpose of these stones was for tying to the boat so it would not cast away with the flood.

The location where Noah's Ark was built is located in Turkey. As percieved in the Bible, the resting place was pronounced to be near Mt. Ararat, which is exactly where the resting place of the ark was found. Hundreds of researchers had undergone the quest for finding the missing Noah's Ark, but none suceeded because they were searching on the mountain itself.

In the bible, Nephilim are described right before the story of the flood

Genesis 6:1-22
When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. ...

Throughout the site which many believe is the site of Noah’s Ark, Ron Wyatt found many samples of metal rivets and plates.  In fact, there was so much metal in the entire area that metal detection surveys were able to revealed the layout of the entire superstructure as pictured below.  Whatever the object is, impressive wisdom must have been used in piecing together such a huge structure out of wood!

The Bible declares that the Ark was 300 cubits long and 50 cubits wide.  A cubit is generally considered about 18” in length, but Moses, who wrote the book of Genesis, had been schooled in Egypt.  He would have been aware of the “royal Egyptian Cubit” used for building the pyramids.  The Egyptian cubit was 20.62 inches long so the overall length of the Ark that Moses wrote about would have been 515 feet or almost the length of two football fields.
The exact length of the wooden object found in Turkey is 515 feet long, more compelling evidence that this is, in fact, Noah’s Ark!
It would appear that the top two decks of the vessel have collapsed and are lying on top of the bottom deck as shown in the diagram above.  Radar reveals that the hull and bottom deck are still in relatively good condition of preservation, and still contain open chambers.  Perhaps someday, the Turkish government will allow more detailed excavations of the site.  Then, and only then, will all doubts and questions be removed.

One of 16 multi ton stones placed around the ark
Hebrew writing on the stones

What is even more compelling, is what was used to create the holes in the stones, how they were significantly placed, and what exactly was used to create the rivets of the stones.

Aluminum-Titanium rivets were placed through the stones, which included metal washers:

The ark contains a large amount of metal fittings which were used to secure the large timbers together.  Notice how there was once two large rivet fasteners, but now only one is left. A large metal plate was positioned behind the rivets. Genesis 4:22 states, "Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every craftsman in bronze and iron."

It was in this time that Anunnaki (angels) came down from the heavens (Anunnaki meaning "those from whom the heavens came) and bred with human women. Nephilim were the product of the offspring, which some grew to be magnificent giants up to, and past 10 or 11 feet tall. The Nephilim created the many pyramids and some of the other structures we could not duplicate today without heavy machinery, including STONEHENGE. 

In fact, it was due to the breeding of Anunnaki (the sons of god, fallen angels that came to earth) that God had decided to wipe the earth, because the interbreeding created the wicked and inbred Nephilim.

The Anunnaki known as "Enki"

The Anunnaki can be found all across the pages of Ezekiel and other areas of the bible. These beings WERE the angels talked about throughout the bible. Not only that, but every old civilization wrote about beings that came from the sky. Ancient civilizations left behind writings, stories, sculptures, jewelry, and so much more, depicting these beings which came from the skies.

1 comment:

  1. Like that, the washer and rivet tell more about what was going on than most all the rest, because Aluminum and Titanium isn't known to have been produced from the minerals until the early 20th century. Both are aircraft metals predominantly when used together or weapons grade materials. Though, I do not see the correlation of the story persay to the Anunnaki of old, as by time the arc hand rested they would have been gone...two hypotheses could be made about where some went with some of the Nephilim. Resurged after the great flood through the line of Ham..most known with Ham's son Cush who's son was Nimrod...responsible for most the evil existing still.
