Saturday, July 21, 2012


Current chimp in later stage of evolution

It's time to stop convincing ourselves that evolution does not exist. Whether we evolved right from an ape or not. Histories facts show us proof that we are ape.

This leaves creationism open. Nobody ever proved creationism wrong. There are many facts that support creationism just based on how the universe is made up and how we live. Plants that give us medicine, our color seeing eyes for all the green, every color of the rainbow, the roses, the dandillions, The orange sky in  the sunset.

But is there sin? Or is everything just nature?

In the bible, God created animals before creating man. But the time differences would not be the same day. It's like the verses that speak of God creating the world in 7 days. This does not mean earth days. This would have been accomplished through centuries, perhaps millions of years.
However,planets are forming as we speak. The universe is infinite. There are an infinite number of planets, and right now we cannot count the planets with our intelligence or even computers, because there are just too many.

Is God still creating planets? Why would we need an infinite number of planets? If God created Earth, he would have had to create the infinite number of other earths as well. Scientifically proven, time travel is to exist within 10 years time. Scientists claim today that they officially know how it is conducted.

Where does that leave God with us and the universe? The bible described the Heavens and The Earth, and God created the Heavens, then the Earth. Heavens meaning Planets. What those in the bible did not know at this time is that the universe is infinite.

Oh come on. You can't seriously believe the universe has always been here. Even if you believe the big bang theory you know that the universe would have created itself, so hey it's still creationism. :)

How did the universe know to combine all our planets in a solar system, each balancing each other out and ultimately allowing the structure of life to exist on our earth. Then the earth gave us livestock to eat, and how did the universe know to make meat a main source of food supplement, but that we would first have to start a fire and cook it so that we can eat it the right way?

How did the universe know that marijuana had to be smoked in order to receive its effects? Or any other plant for that matter, which allows us medicinal purposes.

Why are we only able to see in color and our minds react to a beautiful rainbow of all the colors after a nice rainy day?

To say for a fact that there is no god is just *bleep*ing stupid. I myself never stated that I have a god, but for all we know, an intelligence could have started the whole beginning of the universe and it took millions or billions of years to expand into what it is now, and us evolving into humans. Either way, it would have had to be created in some form.

I guess this doesn't really go for any people that believe the universe was always here, but that makes about as much sense as there being a god, right?

This is where Genetic Engineering took place, because the ape cannot continue past it's evolutionary state in today's world. 

Science is about what you can test and not disprove. Three hundred years ago European scientists started with the assumption that the Bible was a historical record and that the biblical flood was a real event. It took about one hundred years of gathering evidence to prove that one single flood could not be the explanation and that glaciers had caused many of the features formerly ascribed to a giant flood and another hundred to correlate geographical features into a coherent history.
It took about two hundred years, from the 1600s to the 1800s, to demonstrate that animal species had died out or changed over time. At this point, it was a historic discipline, like political history, studying what had occurred in the past by the evidence that remained. Darwin’s and Wallace’s brilliant suggestion as to how that happened, in general, was rapidly accepted. As Darwin pointed out, if cave critters had been specially designed for caves, you’d expect to find the same perfect cave critters everywhere. Instead, cave critters in each ecosystem are modified versions of the organisms that live above the ground in that area, just as if they had descended from something that fell or wandered into the cave.
However, at that time genes and chromosomes were unknown. Neither Darwin nor his colleagues knew how a special trait could become more common and not blend back into the average. About that time, Gregor Mendel, breeding peas for years and recording the results, worked out the math of simple dominant inheritance with one gene or two genes; but he published in an obscure Austrian journal. His work did not reach the larger scientific community until almost one hundred years later. In the 1930s, when the genetic theory was added to the theories of natural and sexual selection, the theory of evolution became robust.
Quite a bit of mathematical analysis and prediction, by R.A. Fisher and others, made testable cases for evolution, and evolution passed them. For example, why do most species have equal numbers of both sexes? What should the ratio be when resources are temporarily plentiful? What if resources are restricted but it’s easy to find a mate?  But what carried the genetic information was still a mystery. Was it DNA or a protein, perhaps albumin? In the late 1930s, DNA was proven to be the key to inheritance.
The giant chromosomes in the salivary glands of fruit flies let us see something of their structure. Since then, we have learned to trace the evolution and ancestry of individual genes and chromosomes. For example, chimpanzees have one more chromosome than we do: but one of our chromosomes matches up with two of theirs; and there’s even an extra centromere in our chromosome, vestige of its former existence as a separate unit. It’s pretty obvious that we diverged from chimpanzees before the chromosomes fused.
Molecular evolution was developed in the 1960s; that’s where we trace the changes in a single important molocule through various species, noting the changes along the way. It’s the equivalent of literary research, where a single change in a manuscript of the Bible, e.g. the change from “young woman” to “virgin,” is used to track what further manuscripts were copied from the new 
The “family trees” made from comparing organisms agree with the evidence of fossils. Hypotheses about the environments and conditions where significant evolution might have occurred suggest places for scientists to look for fossils. That’s how the famous Tiktaalik transitional fossil was found in the sediments of Devonian freshwater swamps. And new discoveries occur all the time. Surely you know of the complete set of transitional mammals, discovered in the 1990s, from a hoofed land-dweller to a swimmer to whales.
In the past decade, evolution has been observed in the laboratory with the development of completely novel traits in bacteria. Evolution has been observed in the wild with two new species of flower developing in the U.S. Northwest in the 1940s. It has been observed in the development of a new species of mosquito that inhabits the London subway system, in a mere 150 years. On a similar time scale, the hawthorn gall midge produced a variety that prefers apples and does not mate with its ancestral strain. Other examples abound.
It only strengthens the case for evolution when the family trees drawn by research into molecular evolution match those drawn on the basis of physiology and fossils.
Then look into ERVs: endogenous retroviruses. Viruses can and do read themselves into our genes. Those, too, are inherited and can also be traced in family trees. Many of them are inactive; however, mutations sometimes reactivate them by chance. For example, the ERV for mouse mammary tumor gives women a higher chance of developing breast cancer.

To say creationism is not real, is the same thing as saying we evolved from apes. 

Neither has been proven completely. Neither side wins, neither side loses. Neither side is right, neither side is wrong. It is what you believe in, not anyone else, not by proof, but by natural belief.

1 comment:

  1. I am the photographer of the top picture. I note you did not seek out my permission to use that photo. Setting that aside for a minute, the reason I am writing this is to dispute the whole idea of that chimp being in a later stage of evolution. Her name was Cinder, and she lived at the St. Louis Zoo. She wasn't born without hair, she had a disease that caused her hair to fall out. She lead a perfectly normal and healthy life (for a confined chimpanzee) up until she died of natural causes a few years ago.
